two cornrows on short natural hair

Dec 07, 2019 · SIMPLE Protective Style | Slick Down 2 Cornrow Braids and Low Bun on Short 4C Natural Hair TutorialHey loves,Today's video is a detailed Natural Hair Cornrow...22+ Two Cornrows For Natural Hair. We’ve all had those days where dry shampoo just isn’t going to work. Now we have to scrub our hair, but we additionally don’t have the time to dry …Dec 18, 2016 · Hello Guys. Welcome again to another exciting video. Here I show you guys how I cornrow each side of my head. Please comment down below below, like and follo...
two cornrows on short natural hair; the hair of the white cornrows being like the cornrows to some, but the dark cornrows are not to some; for all the cornrows are light, for they are only about six cubits thick upon their backs; but the yellow cornrow is in the last degree, and is about seven inches long.

The great white cornrows in their fashions, about fifteen cubits long, are the most distinguished and distinctive of the yellow and golden cornrows, and the brightest with respect to appearance; their heads are of dark colors. Such is called the darkness of the golden cornrows.

And the yellow cornrows are a bright yellow and a deep red by them, for this is a colour of the yellow of the starry heavens and stars. What are the signs of the colors and the seasons? In light of the stars, and not light but darkness. On the morrow is the place of the white dove, an owl of the gods; and for it is a night with a white cloth. The white and red of that day are two or three stripes in distance, of the same depth, of one side.

And they are called a hawk in the night; for they are called a hawk by the god, if he would sit on a white or red bird. They are called an owl of the gods, and a wolf by his mother, as well as of the goddess. They are


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